New aircraft



Flight Training



Cirrus SR20 & SR22(T) G7 

From day one, the co-founders of Cirrus Aircraft were determined to change the world, and a company founded on innovation can never settle. Through the years, the Cirrus SR product line has been continuously refined and enhanced with improvements to performance, comfort, convenience, and most importantly, safety. Introducing the culmination of these collective advances: The Cirrus Aircraft G7.

Discover the new G7

Cirrus SF50 Vision Jet

The Vision Jet is the realization of a vision to reimagine and reinvent the jet airplane in order to create a whole new category of aircraft —The Personal Jet. It’s a jet that’s designed to be flown by the owner. Not requiring a full-time professional pilot or a full-blown flight department, the Vision Jet fills the untapped void between high performance pistons and the Very Light Jet. Simpler to fly and easier to operate and own, the Vision Jet is truly a revolution in personal transportation.

Explore the
Cirrus Vision SF50


Cirrus Sales & Service provides aircraft sales and acquisition support for (Cirrus) aircraft. We began as an aircraft sales company back in 1999, and it’s hard to find anyone more experienced or better connected regarding Cirrus Aircraft. We use our knowledge to help our customers gain an advantage in the new and pre-owned marketplace. 

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pre-owned aircraft

Cirrus Maintenance

General Enterprise is Europe’s leading Cirrus Platinum Partner and authorized Service Center for all your technical issues. We have over 20 years of experience with Cirrus, and more than 25 years of aircraft maintenance experience. General Enterprises is proud to mention that we maintain the aircraft of more than 250 Cirrus customers annually from all over Europe and the Middle East.

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Maintenance section


Cirrus Flight training

Each ­flight has its unique challenges which need to be dealt with using all available skills, knowledge and resources. Our staff of highly trained instructors provides professional integrated training on cockpit management, aircraft handling, single pilot resource management in a safe training environment.

We offer EASA-compliant Difference Training as well as EASA and FAA renewals and proficiency checks.

Our Flight training services

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